Monday, August 13, 2012

Another City

After my free time in Melbourne I met with the CVA office.  We spent Monday weeding out the Cape Ivy at a beach in Melbourne.  This ivy was from South Africa and it will climb anything it can and smother it out.  It has no predators in this new environment and thus is quite an invasive species.  I would gently unwrap it from poor native plants that were being strangled, and for those who know know I sweetly chatted with the natives reassuring them that it's all okay now and encouraging them to grow.  :-P

 Anyway, that afternoon they drove me to the city of Geelong, where I will be staying for the remainder of my time here.  This is the along the Great Ocean Road and is said to have some amazing little towns around it with great views of the ocean.  I didn't get to one today, but I have been told that we will do tomorrow's project out that way.

Today however, we spent the day in a town called Ocean Grove.  We were weeding out a bush by the name of Polygala.  This bush is not as nasty as Cape Ivy, but it does grow rampant on the dunes here.  I also found us an other invasive "Box Thorn", but unfortunately I found it by way of sitting on it...but I weeded that one out with vengeance!!  I was happy to find myself with a group leader who was a botanist and he pointed out and named the natives on the dune.  It will be lovely when those beautiful beach peas and succulents take over the dune again.

Mom and I got my email working again and someone from Jerrabomberra sent me a photo of us working on the duck boxes.  So I will post it below.

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