Friday, January 13, 2012

Once a Teacher, Always a Teacher

So, there is this young man, maybe my age.  He works at the Hotel that I am staying at in Luang Prabang.  He is very sweet...and especially sweet to me.  Why is he so sweet to me, you may ask?  Because he has been buttering me up for a few days until he could ask me to help him with his English.  Yesterday after breakfast we worked on Passive verses Active tenses, and today after I get back from the internet cafe, he wants me to help him with some difficult vocabulary that he found in a book he was reading.  So even though I am on holiday until my Volunteer teaching in Thailand, I am still teaching.  That's me!

So, I met some really nice people at the cooking class.  And we met that night to sit in a restaurant and chat.  Some ate, some drank.  I just sat there as full as I could be from the day's cooking lesson (eating lesson...haha). Anyway the next day, I met with an Austrian that I met in the cooking class.  We then found a small group to split a tuk-tuk with and headed to the waterfall about a half hour out of town.  It was absolutely beautiful!  And we found this cave that you could hike was a little scary at first but once you got pretty far in and saw a bunch of little realize that many tourists have been here before you.

That night I met back up with him (the Austrian) at a Restaurant called the Hive, and we saw a fashion show (free) of all the different traditional fashions from the hill tribes in the area.  I am afraid that I have taken a million photos and I apologize to everyone who by having the title of my friend is obligated to look through them all.  HAHAHAHA!  Love you guys!


  1. So I love that you are teaching someone english things!!! :) Is he doing anything in return? Like a language trade or anything?

    Also, what is tuk-tuk?

    AND....I am very EXCITED and HONORED to see these pictures from the fashion show!! How neat!!!!!

    1. Nothing in return. Oh well. :-P

      A tuk-tuk varies by country. In India it is a 3 wheeled yellow vehicle that can take about 4 people place to place. Like a taxi but way smaller. Here, a tuk-tuk is like a small pick-up truck with a cage-y top-like thing put on the back and two benches. You ride in the back on the the benches.
