Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Playing Christmas Music

I am playing Christmas music and wrapping gifts.  Which gifts specifically...these one...

I am very happy.  These gifts are my two kids at the orphanage.  I have my little girl that I love to death.  And I also got a little 8 yr old boy that I have never met.  But I have a feeling he will like the Legos...I mean...who wouldn't.  Also, they needed some school supplies (thus the Simpson's pencil case and erasers...I'm not a fan of the Simpsons...but the kids here love it.)

As for the gifts for friends and family...they are America bound as of tonight.  To avoid the issue I had with poor Alesha and Eliza's presents (Happy Christmas in April...hahah), I pulled out a calender on my fancy new phone and pointed to the 25th.  With luck...you guys will get your presents soon.  :-)

I am loving the Christmas music!  Thanks to my Big Brother Kyle for sending me music before I went to Korea!  I hear some stuff playing in the coffee shop and I always want to stop my walk and pop in for a cup. BUT...I promised myself no coffee shops until I get my apartment clean.  I have been procrastinating on cleaning.  Once I clean my apt. I am allow to treat myself to a Cinnamon Mocha Frappe at TOM and TOM's coffee.  MY FAVORITE!

I hope I can get the cleaning done soon so I can splurge....:-P


  1. I like your rewards system that you have for like everything :) I love when I can randomly pop on blogspot and see that you have a new post!! My FAVORITE!!
    At least with the cleaning you are only having to clean up after yourself and you apt is really small!!! Plus, at least you can listen to music or something while you do it.
    I am still in awe over the humidifier incident in the classroom!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha. Floor too dry..... :D
    Hope your Cinnamon Mocha Frappe is delicious!!

  2. Didn't quite earn that coffee yet! Yes the dishes are done...but that laundry, that bedspread, the coupons that line the floor near my door. OH TONIGHT THEY ARE GOING DOWN...and then maybe I can get my splurge.
