Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh Goodness!

So, to start with...I have been uber blessed!  My friend from GWU paid for me to come visit her and all my friends at school.  She has paid for my meals and driven me places.  I am very honored to have such a great friend.

While visiting my Alma Mater I have seen quite a few people I didn't expect to.   It has been great.  I ended up doing some work with my old boss for old times sake.  She asked when I was leaving for Korea and I replied, "Wednesday".  She said, "Like this Wednesday?...2 days from now?"  "Oh Goodness, it is only 2 days isn't it?"  Well, as you can imagine, I had a little freak out after that.  It has been so easy to push Korea out of my mind as something in the future...but now to steal a quote, "...time is racing toward us...".

I caught a pretty nasty cold on the way here.  I figure I got it up north because I was a little out of it when I was saying goodbye to Mom in the airport.  She cried....her baby is going to be across the world.  I don't want her to worry though.  But as for this cold, I have runny nose and stuffy do you get both at the same time....well, it is a science thing and it happens...just take my word for it.  Then I had a throaty thing and now uncontrollable sneezing.  I am so stuffed that I can't taste much at all.  I hope it gets better.  I don't want to get deported upon my arrival for having CZARS or something... :-P

Last thing I will tell you is that Delta Airlines never ceases to disappoint me.  They broke one of my bags and is making it so difficult to get help.  I can't continue with this bag to Korea because it is in no shape to travel.  I have to dip into my saved money and purchase a new one.  I will be trying Goodwill first.  Then I need to re-pack the bag and hope it is still the same weight (it was 49lbs and the limit is 50lbs).

Love you guys and will write again with a ton to say from South Korea.
~Caroline R.


  1. Caroline! I'm so proud of you! And, I will so be following this blog religiously because I'm super excited for you as well!
