Wednesday, October 26, 2011

BUSAN!!!!! yesterday all the folk going to Busan got on a bus.  This was a nice private bus with curtains and a television...haha.  We all arrived in Busan in the afternoon.

My two coordinators and the Guest English teacher that I am replacing were there.  Her name is Tori and I am so glad that she is here during my transition.  No one else gets that is just an error in the contract.  It is very good though because she has been a big help.

My appartment is teeny but AWESOME!!!!  It is one room so my bed is in the kitchen...but it is just me so it doesn't matter.  Photos to come.  I am at a local PC bang (or gaming room) so I can't load the photos yet...unless I find a way to...I was just lucky to find the PC Bang to be honest.  Ha ha!

My coordinators are awesome.  They are so informal which puts me at ease...I know that the culture is very formal and I bow to my elders and all.  They think I am funny because I am a westerner bowing to them.  :-)  Anyway, they have taken me shopping and footed the bill.  I was able to get a drying rack (for laundry) to put in my loft and paper towels...scrub brush...even toothpaste.  I went a little crazy when they told me that the school alotted a budget just for my first shopping trip.  AMAZING RIGHT!!!

I had the health exam today...and yes I did cry when they took blood...IT HURT SO BAD...I am such a sissy when it comes to needles.  And then no one spoke English so they were just dragging me from room to room doing tests...and they always grabbed my hurt arm...AHHH!  But they were really nice.  Then we went to the immigration office so I could register for my alien resident card.

I am shadowing Tori tomorrow to get an idea what my typical day will look like. So I have the rest of the day off.  First thing I did was throw in a load of laundry...easier said than done.  Imagine this:  A washer half the size of the American washer.  Mix all the buttons up.  Don't have pictures. Change button sizes.  And put it in Korean.  I just kept hitting buttons until it started.  I hope it don't kill my clothes...haha.  I will have to ask my co-teacher tomorrow what buttons to push.

Anyway, after throwing in laundry I searched for a PC Bang...and here I am.  I can't wait to show you guys photos.  But it will come in time (as will unpacking..haha).


  1. Hahaha!! OK so I am so excited for you that you are FINALLY in Busan!!!! Also, I totally think it was in God's plan that the contracts got messed up so that you could spend time with Tori before you started. I love that you have let God lead you and he is def. providing for you! It is just so nice to see that it is so evident in your life right now. :) The pictures...take your pressure. Ok so I really wanna see those pictures!!! hahaha jk :)
    I hope the laundry worked out for you!!! Reminds me of the toilet incident :P button pusher....geeez...
    Anyway, I love you! And LOVE every time I get on here and you have a new post. Super excited to hear (and see) so much more of God's work in your life!
    Love always!!

  2. How is the future lookin?? Hahaha! :) It is so hard for my mind to wrap around the fact that you are living in my future!!!!
