Friday, January 6, 2012

Thai Bound

SO....I am flying to Bangkok on Monday.  Can I tell you how hard it is to plan for a trip to a foreign country, while in a foreign country?

1).  Time: There is not much of it to spend prepping. And more to-do lists than I know what to do with.
2). Money:  I am having to convert Korean Won to Thai Baht to Laotian Kip.  And somehow know what that is going to be in USD.  So...I am going to carry a handy homemade conversion chart with me.
3). Information:  All information for travel (itineraries, contact info, etc.) all has to be hand written from the emails because I have no printer.
4). Culture and Language: I am going to try to forget my Spanish temporarily, and block out the recently acquired Korean, and try to separate Thai and Laotian in my mind.  The dress code in Laos is very similar to that in India, no shoulder and no legs showing.  Thailand allows me to wear knee length shorts.  BUT, the culture in Thailand is very interesting when it comes to Monks, Heads, and Feet.  I could give you details...but I am not going to unless you ask...because it's a lot to type.  :-P
5). Prep: I have to get the apt. ready to be left alone for a month.  That means eating everything perishable...trying to communicate with someone in the postal one last time....and hoping that my guesstimates are correct in regards to the time the metro takes to get me to the airport and the amount of money I will need to bring.
6). Family:  One last Skype date with each member and the promise of attempted phone calls and internet during break.  Not sure how much access I will have...but hopefully some...because I need to stay in contact with the girls home in Northern Thailand so I can get picked up from the train station on the 24th when I get there.

AND....not to mention packing...which I am no where near ready to do.  But it shouldn't be so hard...just fitting what I can in my backpack...what doesn't fit doesn't come. OH KOREA!

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