Monday, September 10, 2012

"You're killing me, Smalls!"

So if anyone knows the movie "The Sandlot", then you know that famous line that occurs during the S'mores scene.  Our lovable kids are exasperated by Smalls' lack of grasping the simplest of all concepts....the S'more.

And as for me, I spend a good deal of time exasperated.  According to the online dictionary that means,  I am made very angry or impatient; annoyed.  So quite often when I am alone in an elevator or at my desk, I mouth "You're killing me, Smalls!" to the sky in the the "Why Me, God?" fashion.  (Secretly I mean, you're killing me Korea)

Plans are not coming to fruition, lessons are failing, I am as homesick as ever, there are racists mocking me on the bus, and the co-teachers don't understand what in the world is wrong with the crazy foreign girl they hired.

I am overwhelmed.  And overworked.  And over demanded.  And overly tired.  And ready to sleep...right here at my desk.  But I can't, because I have a lesson in six minutes.  Wish me luck friends because I sure need it.


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