Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Life, LIFE, life, and LiFe again...

So....Life happens.  It's rough...and it doesn't slow down.

I am leaving my church here in Korea and am searching for a new one.  For right now, I am simply relying on prayer time and scripture reading...but please pray that I find a support system here.  Not having support in Korea is like living on the moon without's really tough...and will eventually be deemed impossible.

Also, though I have not had an anxiety attack in quite a while, I still find myself nervous and even depressed at times.  But God is good!  He has been so gracious...He hasn't given me more than we can handle together.  And I praise Him.

You know me...always keeping busy.  I have a 6k race coming up this Friday night after classes.  Then a hike on Sunday.  Then next week I am visiting a friend in Jinju (a small city about an hour west of here) and then going for the second time to the World Expo.  It was so good...I love it so I am going back (there was just too much to see the first time.)

Two of my students have passed the second phase of the English Internship Application.  All they have left is the English Interview. Please pray that I can prepare them for this before Monday.  I really hope they do well and that I can at least boost their confidence.

On a positive note, I talk with one of them and this is how the conversation went:

Me: "I emailed your English teacher from last year (Tori) and asked what questions we should prepare for the interview"
EJ: "Oh really?"
Me: "Yeah... You know, it seems like a lot of 3rd year students miss Tori.  They really liked her."
EJ: "But I like you better..."
Me: "Why do you say that? You had her for two years and all..."
EJ: "She was my English teacher.  But you are my English teacher I like you."

I love that childlike loyalty.  I wish, that like her, I would not compare things and just be happy with my present situation.  Perhaps I can learn a little something from my students.

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