Thursday, December 29, 2011

Just a Random Thought

So, this morning I woke up maybe 8:30am.  It felt so good to sleep in.  I am off school today because the semester is over.  The only thing separating me from winter break is English Camp which starts Monday.  Today is to be as follows: clean house, laundry, meet co-teacher and shop for English camp supplies, then come here and plan my butt off all weekend.  :-)

So,  I stepped out of my apartment this morning to walk to the next district's 24hr coffee shop (my favorite!) and the cold air turned my breath to steam.  Traffic busied itself in the streets, buses going here and there, with the occasional crazy taxi driver speeding by.  As I started the brisk walk towards my impending Skype date and  Chai Latte, I was struck with a random thought.  "THIS IS MY LIFE.  This is my normal.  This is my home for now."  I am used to travelling.  I love travelling.  But I am not on a trip.  I have an apartment.  I have a job.  I have a life?

Suddenly the words of an old song from Semisonic came to mind, "Every new beginning come from some other beginning's end."  Hmm...I am not sure exactly when my life here began, (when this turned from a trip to a life) but does this beginning affect my old life?  Not sure.

On a less random train of thought.  I got my Christmas presents yesterday.  I was so very happy to open the boxes and snack on homemade peanut brittle while reading the cards that the church kids wrote for me.  The cutest one had to have been from one young boy who wrote, "Merry Christmas, have a great time!!! PS. Don't get arrested.  Your buddy, xxxxx xxxxx" (I left off his name obviously...who would name their child xxxx?)  Well, don't worry friend, I don't plan on getting arrested but your concern touches me.

Oh, I am so full of joy knowing all the love that comes from home.  Even from the kids.
And I know that I am very blessed.  Not sure if this "new beginning" is the end of anything at all. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Last year, I had a student named Abcde (pronounced Abcity). I also had a Macgyver, Steely Dan and Robin Hood.
